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SA / FB RX7 Drift Tune Index

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

New Drifters... so you want to drift a SA/FB Rx7

I seen this post and it struck a cord, so maybe i can share some advice as well. 
If you want hydros for entries, more power, more angle, more low, and you want to drive like a hero....
Few things

1. Your driving too slow, 

2. You don't need a hydro one, you'll be a better driver learning without. and you will need to learn to use the hydro to correct understeer before you can really use it for good entries
3. 12a has enough power to slide fine.

4. You don't need more angle the FB has plenty stock

5. You don't need more low, you need to learn to feel the way the car moves with stock gear under it, and learn how it transfers weight.

6. Fb is not an easy chassis to learn on its like an AE86 , it trains the driver.

7. If any of this offends you, you need to be humbled and listen and learn.

SA/FB rx7s responds well to left foot braking, high entry speeds and fients. Power, Angle, and hydro for  beginners is a crutch. Its a huge crutch that will make you suck later on. 
Imho if weld diff , remove steering locks, add some air pressure in rear, PB&J mod the watts And run it. You will have a solid start that will allow you to learn how to drive. As you progress you can start to add these as you grasp yet technique and improve to the point you can utilize everything that the car already had. 

I have more respect for a driver that can do more with less, than a driver with every option at their fingertips.

And if your looking for a place to start modding head over and check out the
SA /FB Drift Tune Index

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