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SA / FB RX7 Drift Tune Index

Thursday, March 3, 2011

First Post

So this is the first post, This is not really a place to tell everyone my ideas, but to put them down, if anyone, decides to discuss them maybe I will develop them more.This is mostaly just for me, I was Inspired to start this mainly because alot of my friends run a blog like these and my friend Jesse he claimed  and I quote, " Your Full of crazy Ideas!, They're all awesome , too!". And I happen to agree. I'm kind of  a jack of all trades, and I see things in a differently then most people. I'm definitely an "out of the Box" thinker. I have many interests; Cars, Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Engineering,  Web programming, Linux, android phones, restoration, welding, tools, painting, printing equipment, so much that I can even list them all. But many times I look at the experience i have in each field and try to apply them across all of them.

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