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Saturday, March 3, 2018

Nom Crab Roe

via Instagram

Crab roe is one of those wonderful things that I just love to eat. It is acquired taste. But even learning how to eat it is a great memory of mine, the last memory i have with my grandfather is  him teaching me how to prepare and eat crab roe. Every time I have it, it reminds me of him.
Many people ask me what it taste like.

Its a creamy, rich, custardy texture, that is kinda sweet like sea urchin with a hint of caviar and salt sea flavor, dungeness crabs vary a bit. Sometimes even a tad liver tasting. I mix mine with fish sauce and birds eye chilis. And a hint of garlic salt and pepper.

nothing special has to be done while cooking the crab, cook it as you normally would and when you crack it open you scrape all the inside of the shell together and mix in your sauce and peppers. Then eat it like a soup. Its kinda an ugly bit of food, but it taste so good. 

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